Thursday, 14 April 2016

Animations of Dengue virus

There are plenty of scary videos of mosquitoes drinking blood

But here I'll explore animations of Dengue, a virus which is closely related to Zika virus.

Dengue (for kids) a compilation of two films: the first a cartoon with a mosquito song showing used tyres, insecticide and emptying water containers. 

Followed by a more sophisticated 3D cartoon called 'A holiday with granny' narrated by a woman warning about the danger of cut flowers in the house providing a breeding site for mosquitoes. The first film is short and to the point. The second is well-crafted with four different human characters and several mosquitoes but it's long and slow to reach its climax.

HHMI bioactive video

A superbly made but highly technical 3D animation of virus entry into the cell and taking over the hosts protein synthesis. Serious queen's English narration. Beautifully illustrates RNA synthesis and the structure of a single cell. Visually stunning, non-explanatory to lay people.

The Dengue fever movie [English subtitles are available, though they are incoherent] 
After various news reports of a Dengue outbreak, the film folows the life cycle of the mosquito probing for blood vessels. Salivary secretions are shown entering the blood stream. Dengue virus shown symbolically reaching the mosquito's salivary glands.

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